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Tips to Relax

You have several e-mail messages to be reviewed? You have to do your washing today? You have an important meeting shortly. Well, this is the perfect time to relax, when you feel that you are exhausted and tired you have to take a break and travel far, for example, spend a weekend by the sea. But sometimes, your time doesn’t bear a trip. So here are some simple ways to feel relaxed and comfortable.
One box of chocolate can make you very calm and relaxed. Dark chocolate calms the nerves, regulates stress hormone levels and help you achieve psychological stability.
Some honey
You can replace tension with a spoon of honey. Honey, in addition to being a natural moisturizer for the skin and having a ratio of antibiotics, it provides compounds that reduce inflammation in the brain, which means they are fighting depression and anxiety.
Remember to Breath
Is there any easy way to relax? Yes, deep and slow breath helps you relax and reduce stress that lowers blood pressure and heartbeat. Organizing breathing or getting used to deep and long breathing as possible is a yoga style, through which anxiety and tension eases.
Close your eyes
Closing your eyes is the most comfortable and easy way to restore calmness and focus. If your day is full of trouble in work and within your family, all you have to do is lowering your eye lashes a little bit.
Give yourself a simple massage
Hand massage helps to relax your hands immediately, especially people who spend a lot of time typing on the keyboard. Hands in general can carry a lot of stress.

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